In many historic towns and cities, clients are looking for paving materials which compliment these heritage areas whilst being hard wearing enough to withstand modern day traffic volumes. Historically granite setts have been the favoured choice but this has always come with lengthy road closures which can run from months into years for larger schemes.
Not anymore. Quicksetts™ from Jobling Purser are the modern day solution. Aesthetically they fit with any heritage area but the key is in the speed of application. Rather than removing the existing surface, Quicksetts™ can be adhered directly on to any existing sound, asphalt or concrete surface allowing large areas to be treated in a day and opened to traffic, thus significantly reducing inconvenience to road users and disruption to local business on the High Street.
Our Quicksett™ resin, based on polyurethane technology, has been specifically designed to offer excellent adhesive properties whilst the Quicksetts™, themselves are moulded blocks incorporating granite and where appropriate, bauxite chippings.
Quicksetts™ can be used as traffic calming, boundary marking, edge detailing and decorative paving solutions.
Quicksetts™ offer an attractive, practical answer to traditional paving for town and city centre planers tasked with maintaining our historic assets.
Contact Jobling Purser for more information or click here to go to our product specific website.
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